Post by B26354The US and Technology news listings have not had new entries added to
them since the 9th. Is there a problem with the news feed? Breaking
News and World listings are being updated. The full page news
listings for each of these categories have no new entries either.
We have not had any reports with our news feed that would cause this type of
You can try clearing your cache files on your computer, to do this perform the
In Internet Explorer:
1. Click Start, Settings and Control Panel.
2. Click on Internet or Internet Options.
3. Click on delete Files and put a check mark in Delete all Off-line Content or
Subscription Content.
4. Click Ok, and then click Ok again.
5. Shutdown and reboot the computer.
In Netscape:
1. Open Netscape.
2. Click Edit
3. Click Preferences.
4. Click the + to the left of Advanced.
5. Click Cache.
6. Clear your disk and memory cache.
7. Shutdown and reboot the computer.
If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at
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